Sunday, January 3, 2010

Resolutions for Spring 2010

In honor of the commencement of the Spring 2010 semester, I'm going to share with you my 10 goals for the semester. The beginning of a new semester always motivates me to set unrealistic goals for myself that I never accomplish. Like my goal to achieve an A in Intro to Poetry Writing. Despite the fact that my poetry skills are on the same level as Britney Spears song lyrics. But it's not the goals themselves that matter so much as the act of setting them. So here they are in no particular order.

1. Check out Fuel and Fuddle's half price menu. Side Note: I think F&F half price menu runs from 11:30pm t0 2am. I'm only conscious past 10pm on New Year's Eve or when I have the stomach flu. Not only will I have to be awake during the wee hours of the morning, I'm also going to have to eat and socialize. This should be interesting...

2. Figure out what the heck I'm going to do with my summer vacation. I'm a college junior so this coming summer will be my last official summer vacation. I do not want to spend it scanning medical records or serving french fries like I have in previous summers. I'd like to do more mission work (Should I go to Savannah, or Jamaica?) but I need to make money. I'd like to do an internship/research paper, but I'm not sure where. So this means I need to start thinking about I want to do with my fancy liberal arts education. Or start failing some courses.

3. Be a better roommate. I don't always remember when it's my week to take out the garbage or clean the bathtub. This semester I'm going to make more of an effort to do so. I'm also going to try to communicate better with my two roomies. This means I'm going to have to stop holding people (myself included) to such unrealistic expectations that no one can obtain.

4. Get my butt to Ireland for Spring Break. The trip's been planned for months. I've applied for my passport, and have been saving money all semester. I have finally convinced my mother that seeing the world is a necessary part of being an enlightened citizen. The only thing left to do is pray. Often.

5. Work on cutting the umbilical cord. First off, I love my mom. Maybe a little bit too much. I need to stop calling her every time something little goes wrong and start handling things for myself. Suggestions on how to do this would be much appreciated.

6. Attend a non-ballet cultural event. One of my roommates is a former ballerina and we go to the ballet at least once a semester. It's time to broaden my cultural horizons. I'd love to see a play. Or a musical. I might as well take advantage of the cheap seats offered to undergrads through Pitt Arts.

7. Accumulate $0 in fines at the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh.

8. Become a better cook/ eat a more well balanced diet. I think if I can accomplish the former, the latter will become easier.

9. Focus less on the letter grade I receive in a course and more so on the knowledge I gained from a course. I need to get it through my thick skull that the only one who cares about my GPA is me. I need to focus more on becoming a better team player, more organized, and more flexible.

10. Quit downloading music on iTunes everytime I feel happy, sad, aggravated, excited, depressed, creative, or moody. I need to start listening to the 2.4 days worth of music already on my iPhone before I download any more. I cleaned out myiTunes library over break and found about 50 songs I haven't listened to since 2007.

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